Hall of Fame
Awarded for Dedicated & Continuous support of Children in this Community
Class of 2023
Class of 2022
Class of 2019
Class of 2018
Class of 2017
Class of 2016
Class of 2015

Class of 2014
- 1944 Waterville Baskeball Team
- Richard Hawkes
- John Hafenacker
- Barbara Jolovitz

Class of 2013
- Craig Sargent
- Campbell’s Agway True Value
- Thomas College
- Maureen Morrison

Class of 2012
- Dr. Barbara Woodlee
- Scott Bullock
- MS Walker
- Major General Bill Libby

Class of 2011
- People’s United Bank
- Mike Runser
- Ray Haskell Ford
- Basil Hanscom (Posthumously)
- Mary T. Simcock (Posthumously)
- JC Penney
- Sam Shapiro
- Mrs. Evelyn Hanscom Towne

Class of 2010
- Elm City Photo
- Kennebec Valley Community College
- Maine Children’s Home
- Governor John Baldacci

Class of 2009
- Frank Flood
- Turner Publishing
- FirstPic, LLC
- Waterville Florist
- Kershaw Powell
- Central Maine Garden Glub
- Ann Mitchell

Class of 2008
- Waterville Parks & Recreation
- Waterville Fiire-Rescue Dept
- Good Will-Hinckley
- Waterville Housing Authority
- Dr. Raymond Richard
- Drs. Michael & Meg Griffin
- Waterville Police Department

Class of 2007
- Major League Baseball
- Valley Distribution
- Gardiner Savings Institution
- Kennebec County DA’s Office
- Red Sox Foundation
- Cal Ripken, Sr.

Class of 2006
- Peter Alfond
- Donald Brown
- Dead River Company
- James Hughes
- Marguerite Brown
- Littlefields Gym

Class of 2005
- Donald H. Marden
- Waterville School System
- Gilly’s Gym
- Detective William Bonney
- Hannaford
- Champion’s Fitness Club
- The Weight Room

Class of 2004
- Mark J. Nale
- Paul J. Mitchell
- Tobi Leanna Schneider
- Northeast Turf, Hue Inc.
- Central Maine Motors
- Waterville Sunrise
- Rotary

Class of 2003
- Shirley Eskelund
- Fred Stubbert
- Jane Bickford
- James W. Hennigar
- Colby Cares About Kids
- Are you Ready to Party

Class of 2002
- Fred Boucher
- Eva Grover
- John Huard
- Joe Jabar, Sr.
- Lester Jolivitz
- John D. Joseph
- Cianbro
- New Balance

Class of 2001
- George Jabar
- George Keller
- Bill Mitchell
- Communities for Children

Class of 2000
- Dorie Hawkes
- Robert Marden
- Eagle Rental
- Waterville Lions Club

Class of 1997
- John Winkin
- Central Maine Morning Sentinel
- Waterville Women’s Club
- Doug & Rita Sukeforth

Class of 1996
- Edward Atkins
- George Cates
- Mary Cates
- Pam Trinward
- Avian Farms
- Waterville Rotary Club

Class of 1995
- Charles Archer
- Joan Arnold
- Barbara Atkins
- Carl Beck
- Marie Deeb
- Robert Ellis
- Sydney Farr
- Linda Guite
- Margaret Jabar
- Cyril Joly
- Jibryne Karter
- Howard Miller
- Neil Monroe
- Charles Nawfel
- Paul Orloff
- John Osbourne
- Paul Paganucci
- Dana Sennett
- Walter Simcock
- Charles Stephens
- Franklin Thompson
- Atkins Printing

Class of 1994
- George Averill
- George Bernhardt
- Joanna Dennis
- Kenneth Eskelund
- Michael Gallagher
- Charles Giguere
- Frank Goodrich
- Phillippe Hebert
- Robert Hottentot
- John Jabar
- Barbara Martin
- Ellsworth Millett
- Sen. George Mitchell
- John Mitchell
- Robert Mitchell
- Penny Olsen
- Philip Roy
- Bernard Runser
- Marcia Salmon
- Joan Sanzenbacher
- Ted Shiro
- Robert Taylor
- Keyes Fibre

Class of 1993
- Dorothy Alfond
- Judith L. Brody
- Mortin A. Brody
- Al Corey
- Jane Dornish
- Edmund N. Ervin, MD
- Nancy Hill
- George Holbrook Hawes
- Lewis Levine
- Percy Levine
- Paul Lunder
- Peter Lunder
- Ann Marden
- Larry Murphy
- Laura Nawfel
- Germaine Orloff
- Joe Peters
- Leonard Saulter
- Oren Shiro
- Elizabeth Tipper
- Gerald Tipper
- Connie Towne
- John Towne
- Clyde Wheeler
- Elanor Wheeler
- Richard Willette